This is an opportunity for you to show your appreciation to your outstanding WWOOFers, and WWOOFers to do the same for their favourite hosts! We’ve all had them and you know what I’m talking about. Below a few WWOOFer and host quotes to get you thinking:
The atmosphere was simply perfect!! Our stay was way too short and we wish we could have stayed longer! Thank you so much for your amazing hospitality, the fun times and friendship!!
I felt absolutely comfortable, home and welcome in a way I have not felt on my travels before.
I don’t think it gets better than this, she is endlessly kind, patient, and energetic I was treated as part of the family from the moment I arrived.
This place was like my home for 1 month and my hosts were like my parents 🙂 I have waited a little before writing for them because, I miss them a lot!!!
It really felt like a temporary home away from home. I’ve learnt a lot and couldn’t have wished for a better first WWOOF-ing place here in New Zealand. To anyone considering sending them a message: DO IT! You’ll have such a great time, guaranteed
Awesome!! hard work, good meals and a great time together to come back…”
We stayed with them for 2 weeks and helped everywhere. It was a great time with her and her children, feeling like a little family.
“Every day she was here was made better by her presence!”
She came to stay with me for 3 weeks and was such wonderful company it was sad to see her go. She is intelligent, thoughtful, helpful, incredibly hard-working and has all-day energy. It has been like having an old friend come to stay.
We could not have asked for a better wwoofer,she came along with a perfect match of skills and knowledge. Her rural up bringing shines through in both her personality and physical work ethic. She is honest, reliable and always looking for more work to do. She is welcome back at anytime and we hope to catch-up with her before she returns home
One of the best woofers ever !!! Nothing was ever a problem for her as she was so prepared to give anything a go! We miss her a lot, you are welcome back anytime
Wonderful wwoofer, lovely person, we will miss her.”
She has been with us for a month and we are very sad to see her go. She has helped us with gardening, building, caring for the animals, and anything else that was asked of her. She is a fabulous house guest, and fitted into our family with ease.
He always did all that was asked of him, and a little bit more. He was always enthusiastic and has a happy disposition. We would have him back here any day of the week and we look forward to meeting up with him again in the future.
So the idea is, that we will send a small gift to the first 10 nominated hosts and the first 10 WWOOFers on behalf of the person who nominated them! Please send us a short description of why they were the best ever, if you have an image and permission for us to use it – even better! The first 10 nomination for each host and WWOOFer received by the 10 October will receive a gift from us.
I really enjoyed going through the feedback and finding all those positive comments, there are heaps more I could quote, so I am really looking forward to receiving those entries!