It was in Springs Junction, middle of nowhere or heart of everything? - January 29, 2016

This is the response I received from a WWOOFer when we asked for ideas and stories for the Guide  – some times I just love my job

Just a few words that will hardly describe those three weeks spent in a small hand-built wooden house in center-south New Zealand Mountain.
The place is amazing, the nature around, the mountains are so beautiful, forests and rivers you feel you are the first to walk on and contemplate. Water comes from a stream, so delicious and pure, electricity is out of a few solar panels. No phone coverage, you quickly get used to that. This place seems to attract highly interesting, warm hearted people. I have met lots of and only great people here, for their open-mindedness, their belief in God, Universe or whatever you call it, their love of life as much as their respect for it. Our host himself is a beautiful man, he has got so much knowledge to share about plants, birds, building a wooden house by yourself, cooking yummy food, living in a sustainable manner, and life in general. Days fly, watering the garden, checking the water tank, gathering firewood, checking mice traps, harvesting watercress, helping with cooking, baking delicious bread (without an oven!), watching the sky and bright stars talking about travelling around the world, owning only the most precious gift, present time…
Thank you very much for all of this Chris, for the life I have had during three weeks and I thought was gone with my grand father’s youth stories. I wish you will enjoy this place for a long time, and share with many people the skills on how to live with nature on a long term basis. We so much need to learn or remember it!