All new hosts are given clear definitions of WWOOF and Cultural Exchange and are taken through a series of questions to determine which program is most suitable for them. At next year’s renewal date you will be given the opportunity to go through those questions to ensure we have you listed in the right program. You know what you can offer far better than we do!
Just to clarify, a cultural exchange does happen with both programmes and it is a very important part of the experience. The difference comes in that WWOOF is a more specialised group which offers organic learning opportunities. Below are the definitions, if you are unsure:
WWOOF is about Living and Learning on Organic Farms. WWOOF hosts are expected to use ecologically sound methods and involve their WWOOFers primarily in organic growing, farming or gardening. Joining in with your daily family life is also part of the expectation.
Cultural Exchange is about Living Like a Local. CE Hosts offer experience in different cultures and lifestyles involving their visitors in activities such as crafts, animal and child care, language immersion, tourism etc. Joining in with your daily family life is also part of the expectation.
There are a lot of fantastic hosts and in order to manage expectations and avoid misunderstandings and confusion, we need to make sure that you are listed in the correct place!