We understand that WWOOFers emailing hosts and then not replying when hosts respond can be an issue for hosts. The problem arises when WWOOFers send messages to a number of hosts and then receive a number of positive responses. After deliberating for a few days they will pick the host they like best and confirm only with them without letting the other hosts know that they wish to decline their offer. This is understandably frustrating for hosts.
On the other hand a WWOOFer may read a number of host profiles, spend time writing a personal message tailored to one particular host, and then not receive a reply at all or maybe get a negative response after a week (and how long is a reasonable time to wait before applying to another host?). This leaves the WWOOFer wondering and waiting.
So what is the solution?
We would like to hear some workable ideas from you! All suggestions welcome but let’s be positive : )
Please note; a new feature has been added to the messaging system – Pre-written Replies to make things quicker and easier (available to hosts only). One message is a Decline Response, politely turning down a request, the other message points out that the email seems to be a bulk message and that hosts will not respond to bulk mailings. It takes a couple of clicks to get to these messages. Are hosts finding them easy to use or should we make this option bigger and just one click away? Suggestions please!
For all new WWOOFers we could have a message waiting in their messaging system, explaining the importance of reading hosts’ profiles and sending individual messages and not blanket mailings.
These are just a couple of suggestions. We are open to constructive ideas and of course messages of ecstatic approval!