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Describe your property and the projects you need help with. The character limit helps it to fit on mobile devices and the printed book.   /2000

We have established a continuous cover native forest from eco-sourced seed that now needs ongoing releasing – making sure there are no competing weed species or branches of other trees inhibiting growth. Home vegetables and fruit growing are in full swing. We are both involved with Thames Coast Kiwi Care Group, trapping the pests that kill young kiwi and kiwi eggs. Our wwoofers know they are helping to preserve the bush and its unique kiwi habitat. (You may hear them but probably won't see live wild kiwi.) Non-smokers only.

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General Information
You can add extended general information about your property
PLEASE NOTE: You will need to plan to stay a minimum of one week so you can get familiar with our procedures, locations and standards.  You need to be fit and prepared to get dirty (wwoofing) but also prepared to help with meals and household duties (not counted as part of wwoofing). If you have special dietary needs, we may not be able to accommodate you, but do get in touch and explain your situation so we can discuss it in advance. If you like large quantities of Nutella or a thick layer of jam on your morning toast, then you'll need to bring your own.  Tihana faces across the valley to Coromandel Forest Park, sea views and the Coromandel ranges. A kilometre of Te Mata River forms our northern boundary, with fabulous swimming holes. Twenty-seven bird species (10 seen during one cup of coffee!) An extensive library. Five hectares is covenanted native bush. Spring/Summer - preference is given to fit, climbing wwoofers for invasive weed eradication on very steep slopes, clambering through gorse, over fallen tree trunks, etc. so fitness and safety come first. We provide all protective equipment. Autumn/Winter - preparation of land and planting trees. Spring/Summer - vege garden and weed control in the bush. Lots of other jobs to choose from. If you come and join us, you'll be the latest of more than 550 wwoofers who have stayed and worked here over the past thirteen years. Note: No public transport to tourist spots so if you want to be a tourist you'll need a car.
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Number of people that can be accommodated
How many people can you accommodate at one time?
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Preferred minimum stay
Some hosts like to have a minimum stay so the volunteer has time to settle in a learn the routines and rhythms of your property
1-2 weeks
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Preferred length of stay
Some hosts find it helpful to specify how long the stay should generally be. Of course you can extend this once you and your guest find that things are working out well.
2 weeks
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Describe the accommodation volunteers will stay in.
A comfortable cabin with fold-away double bed & wide forest views.

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Organic Principles
Describe the organic and sustainable aspects of your property.
Companion planting, composting and mulching, garden rotation, vege garden organic
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Able to accommodate children
Children - Maybe
Describe the types of diets that you have in your home.
We are omnivores but can cater for vegetarians and others if advance notification is given.
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Vegetarian? - No
Property size
How many hectares is your property?
10.4 hectares
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How many hours a day do volunteers usually do?
Four, but we're flexible, so that - for example - you can work extra hours over several days and then take a day off to explore the Coromandel.
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Special instructions
Add any special instructions that volunteers need to know.
We provide all necessary safety equipment.
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Detail any skills you would like Volunteers to have?
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Water Care
Animal Care
Bee Keeping
wants to learn 
can offer (automatically saved)