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Just to show that not everything at Tihana is hard work. Charlotte plays her cello before the con ... Stephen deal with the last of the rounds. Katharina checks the pH level of soil samples. Your accommodation cabin centre left Interior of cabin Even weedng can be fun, as shown by Becca, Sarah and Linden. Esteve and Heri finish another path Dylan's newly made steps Quentin  returns from tree felling Tiffen and Alex finish their new track with steps. Izzie and Collen harvest first kumara 2020 Veronica and Toby creating a new bush track Molly and Zoe show how to remove tall gorse. Laurianne in the gardens. Megan treats a damaged peach tree in the orchard Miriam, Jette (and Linden) clearing a slope Meredith making compost Marcus and Daniel work on a track Carolyn and Hanna weed vetiver grass Margaux + Amy = new garden path