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I am notso much after money in week per week , I seek more persons keen to make aGO OF A LIFESTYLE that will contribute to making something happen ,I have myplans for this land and will try them , There ismore land there than I need so it open for others to step up
email me for fast info, morephotos etc are coming , I have 2 titles of land ! can be 3 ,
I know you have house bus / tiny house it’s the fashion anda way to save money ,stop giving the bank money I say…
We can make you a BUS SITE either up goat creek
I have possible 1 ManagersCHALET for you to move into ASAP if needed until we get you a bus site made inthe sun
Number of people that can be accommodated |
/250 3 -5
Preferred minimum stay |
/250 3 days
Preferred length of stay |
/250 long as we can be happy ,,, any one wantingto live for years here can buy into this farm and be co-owner
Accommodation |
/250 house bus that needs repairs and a caravan or BUNK ROOM in the chalet
Organic Principles |
/250 we want to save as much as we can recycle plants to pots and hope replanting or on sell ?
Able to accommodate children |
Children - Maybe
Diet |
/250 we BBQ we eat anythings
Property size |
/45 200
Hours |
/250 we can talk about that weather depends
Special instructions |
/250 we are off grid , limited wifi unless yr with spark or Telecom