
Feedback is important, it lets other members know what to expect

What is Feedback?

  • Feedback is when members write on each other’s profiles describing their experiences with each other. 
  • Feedback allows for the sharing of information with other members about their experience, enabling members to make more informed decisions.
  • Feedback should be accurate and relevant to the experience with the member.
  • Personal attacks are not allowed on WWOOF, nor are disrespectful or insulting attacks. Retaliation is not OK. 

We do not monitor feedback as a matter of course.  If you have concerns about feedback that has been posted or you consider it violates our Code of Conduct, you may repost this to us directly at  Your e-mail must come from the e-mail address the member uses for WWOOF NZ.  We may, in our sole discretion, edit, remove or delete any feedback without notice but are not obliged to do so.

Feedback has to be placed within 4 weeks after the exchange.  If feedback is placed later than 4 weeks the WWOOFer/host receiving the feedback has the right to contact us and we may remove the feedback.

We may consider removing feedback if it is from someone who you have not had a WWOOF exchange with, unless provided for under the Confirmation and Cancellation Policy.

We may consider removing or hiding feedback if it does not follow our Code of Conduct. We may choose to allow it to be seen again if the member who left it edits it to meet the Code of Conduct.

If you disagree with feedback on your profile that does not break our Code of Conduct, please remember that anyone reading it will also be able to read your response. In your response for that person, clearly and calmly explain your side of the story. People who visit your profile will be able to read both  and decide for themselves what they think.

WWOOF does not delete a profile with negative feedback

We believe that each member of our community has the responsibility to make decisions about who they want to host or stay with. All feedback, even those that some people may perceive as negative, share information with the community. A situation or way of behaving that one person finds incompatible may not bother others, which is why we believe our role is not to make judgments but rather to encourage both parties to share information openly with the community. (Or one members worst WWOOF experience might anothers best!)

If you would like to make a formal complaint against another member due to a violation of our Terms of Use or Complaints Policy please contact us directly.

Guidelines we may consider if we review feedback:

  • Whether the feedback is abusive or uses inappropriate language
  • Whether the feedback is a personal attack or contains threats
  • Whether the feedback was left when an exchange did not happen
  • Whether the feedback reflects the experience of someone other than the author
  • Whether the feedback discloses inappropriate or private information
  • Whether the feedback is false
  • How to write feedback:

References should be factual, descriptive, and informative. The following is useful to consider:

  • Is the information on this member’s profile accurate?
  • If WWOOFed with them, did you find their home environment safe and welcoming?
  • If you hosted them, did you find them helpful and pleasant?
  • Describe your overall experience. What specifically made you feel that the experience was positive, neutral, or negative?
  • Would you host or WWOOF with this person again? Would you recommend this person to a friend or neighbour?
  • What personal qualities stand out about this person? Did you find them to be Positive? Respectful? Knowledgable?
  • What particular activities did you enjoy sharing with this person?