Confirmation and Cancellation
Organising a stay is one of the most important steps in the WWOOFing exchange. Usually there is a conversation about the details of the stay such as previous experience, types of projects, length of stay, start date etc.
When WWOOFers confirm arrangements and then cancel at short notice this can cause problems. Hosts have bought extra supplies, organised projects and turned other WWOOFers away.
WWOOFers should make sure that if they are sending more than one message to hosts that they are personal (rather than bulk) and that they honour any arrangements they make! WWOOFers shouldn’t cancel one agreement because they suddenly get a better offer somewhere else.
We realise that when travelling it can be difficult to plan ahead. Of course the majority of WWOOFers are reliable and understand that cancelling at short notice or simply not turning up, is very inconsiderate and really letting the host down – not to mention leaving the host concerned about the WWOOFer’s safety and well being.
For the few who don’t understand this, hosts can place feedback on the WWOOFer’s profile, if there was a confirmed agreement* in place which was cancelled without good reason, at short notice (1-3 days), or for simply not turning up.
There are a limited number of instances out of a WWOOFer’s control where an agreement needs to be cancelled and this information needs to be sent to the host as soon as possible.
Confirmation and Cancellation Policy
1. Once a confirmed agreement* has been made to arrive on a certain date and time, WWOOFers must make sure they try to honour this agreement.
2. If a WWOOFers circumstances later change and they need to change the agreed date and time they can contact the host requesting a change. The host may not be in a position where they are able to change the agreed date and time so you may loose your opportunity, any change is at the host’s discretion.
3. If an event occurs that prevents a WWOOFer from arriving on the agreed date and time then they will need to contact the host as soon as possible. Examples of events that might prevent WWOOFers from arriving could include; the means of travel was cancelled or broke down, natural disasters, illness, a death in the family. Evidence of the event may be required in the case of dispute.
4. If an agreement to arrive is broken and no acceptable evidence is provided as described in 3. then the host will be able to provide feedback on the WWOOFer’s profile. In this situation the WWOOFer will not be able to provide feedback on the host’s profile.
5. While this policy applies to WWOOFers not arriving as agreed, this policy also applies vise versa where a host cancels an agreed arrival date made with a WWOOFer.
* What is a confirmed agreement?
It’s normal to have a discussion of possible arrival dates. At some point there should be a request from either side to confirm a specific date. There should be a reply to this request which clearly confirms the arrival date and at this point there is a confirmed agreement. Following are some examples.
Examples of confirmed agreement:
W: “Can I come to your farm on 12th April?”
H: “Yes you can. Can you confirm that you’ll be arriving on that date, so we can make the necessary arrangements?”
W: “Yes, I will arrive on the 12th April, see you then.”
W: “I’m in your area next week, are you able to host me?”
H: “Yes, you can come on Tuesday. Can you please let me know that this will work for you.”
W: Yes, that’s great, looking forward to meeting you on Tuesday.”
Please note that the following is NOT a confirmed agreement:
W: “Can I come to your farm on 12th February 2016?”
H: “Yes you can.”
W: “I’m in your area next week, are you able to host me?”
H: “Yes, you can come on Tuesday.”